Inside the unit is, although there are some dusts built up, generally in a good condition.
To begin with, I need to take VFO variable cap assembly out to remove its stiffened grease and to replace dial light bulbs.
Extracting VFO variable cap assembly
First of all, remove the S-meter by unscrewing the metal supporter on its both sides.
Next, unscrew the nut that is holding the main dial dram then pull the drum up carefully by avoiding it scratched by the metal above.
Dissolder the four wires that interconnect the variable cap and the IF-AF unit, those are two black wires on the surface and two shielded wires on the rear.
Finally, remove the four screws from the corners of the variable cap assembly.
The VFO variable cap assembly extracted at last. Later stiffened grease to be removed.
Replacing main dial light bulbs
The dial light bulbs were fit to the C shaped metals (indicated by the arrows) using rubber bushing.
The replacing bulb is of 12V, diameter=4mm type. Current rating of both FRG's and replacing one are unknown but I'd expect there shouldn't be much difference between the two, or more likely, there shouldn't be much variance in current rating for this type of bulbs provided its voltage and dimensions are the same. The bulbs I bought came with sockets probably for automobile instrumental panels. The bulb itself, comparing to FRG's, is of totally same dimension (I forgot to measure the length), and the internal structure of the filament and its supports looked exactly the same. Replacement work require soldering.

It's good to see the lights coming back again. The brightness of the new bulbs looks to be matching to others.

Without noticing, electronics products that use incandescent lamps for lighting have almost been vanished, instead there are recent trend of eye-stabbing high-brightness blue LEDs lighting up things everywhere vulgarly. This soft yellow light of good ol'days is now an article of value.
しかし、放送受信用短波ラジオという、マニアックながらも民生品的な製品で、電球などという交換が前提の部品の取替えにこれだけ手間がかかるのは如何なものかと思う。 半田ごてが必要だという時点で論外だろう。 このラジオが旬であった70年代でも、普通の街の電気屋さんで対応してもらえるはずもなく、ショップに持ち込んで代理店/メーカ修理ということだったのだろう。
What is surprising is an amount of work it took to replace mere light bulbs, which are expected to be replaced regularly. The replacement work even require soldering iron, which is out of the question for maintenancebility for products like this radio, which is more like a consumer electronics than a ham radio gear. I can imagine even in the 70's, when this radio was at its hight, this level of 'fix' was well beyond the skills of ordinary electronics shops found in high street so I guess there was no choice but people ended up with sending it back to the shop for maker fix, or more likely vast majority of people just left it burnt and chose to live with it.
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